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202 results found. Show results 141 - 160


Jurassic Park Structure

A classic chase script with two groups of victims in separate locations.

Constant Gardner Structure

A well-structured Flashback-Present framework of a murder investigation and love story.

Garden State Structure

A quiet, calm comedy-drama about love and emergence from guilt and mental illness.

The Maltese Falcon Structure

Sequence Scene Structure of The Maltese Falcon according to the 19-Sequence Model of screenplay structure.

Toy Story Structure

Travel home plot. 

Double Indemnity Structure
Use the Screenplay Summary to see how Double Indemnity establishes the classic femme fatale-betrayal structure of a film noir. (read more)

Use the Screenplay Summary to see how Double Indemnity establishes the classic femme fatale-betrayal structure of a film noir. It is a lesson on the use of a voice-over narrative and making the flashback structure fit into the story conclusion.

Liar Liar Structure
This is a classic script to emulate for a, 'What if.....' premise. In this story, a boy wishes that his lawyer father would (read more)

This is a classic script to emulate for a, 'What if.....' premise. In this story, a boy wishes that his lawyer father would become unable to lie. We find out what happens.

Apollo 13 Structure
This is an excellent 'trapped-rescue-escape' template that directly links the efforts of the trapped with the efforts of (read more)

This is an excellent 'trapped-rescue-escape' template that directly links the efforts of the trapped with the efforts of the rescuers. Distinct sequence structure.

The Station Agent Structure
Socially ostracized Finbar moves to a rural train station. There he meets insistent friend Joe and saddened Olivia. A perfect model (read more)

Socially ostracized Finbar moves to a rural train station. There he meets insistent friend Joe and saddened Olivia. A perfect model screenplay of beautiful relationships. 

Clear and Present Danger Structure
Clear and Present Danger models how to discover clues through technology, individual skills and even coincidence.
Dead Poets Society Structure

Dead Poets Society is a great model for multiple story lines and the development of friendships.

The Bourne Supremacy Structure

The chase and pursuit structure begins again after Marie is murdered and Bourne is set-up.

The Bourne Ultimatum Structure
Like the two predicessors, The Bourne Ultimatum follows Bourne as he moves from clue to clue as he searches for his identity. There (read more)

Like the two predicessors, The Bourne Ultimatum follows Bourne as he moves from clue to clue as he searches for his identity. There are key similarities to Mission Impossible, Minority Report, Chain Reaction and Three Days of the Condor.

Trainspotting Structure
A remarkably good biography and 'black humor' approach to an addict who manages to come through the experience alive. (read more)

A remarkably good biography and 'black humor' approach to an addict who manages to come through the experience alive. Excellent example of how to use additional characters to magnify the personality and challenges of the protagonist. 

Crash Structure

Crash features several inter-related and independent stories that collide in this Well-structures screenplay that highlights racism. 

Aliens Structure

A natural extension of Alien: Sequence Scene Structure of Aliens according to the 19-Sequence Model. 

Kramer vs. Kramer Structure
This is ideal model to model structure of an emotional drama. Ted is thrust immediately into his dilema and demands on him constantly (read more)

This is ideal model to model structure of an emotional drama. Ted is thrust immediately into his dilema and demands on him constantly escalate. He must gather new resources for each challenge until the final Act III confrontation with Joanne.

Shooter Structure

Excellent structure for an innocent man being framed and then pursued whilst having to reveal the real perpetrators.

About a Boy Structure
A straightforward plot about learning the importance of human connection and that coming-of-age can happen to adults. Interesting (read more)

A straightforward plot about learning the importance of human connection and that coming-of-age can happen to adults. Interesting double narration.

Ronin Structure

Masterful example of a heist with thieves stealing the loot from each other. How do you find it and steal it back?
