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Screenplay Structure Summaries
A systematic progression through formulaic Sequences that follow clues to the villain, motive and means to execute the plan Bond will thwart.
(hide)Built on the question of whether men and women can, 'Just be friends', this script forms a prototype romantic comedy of, 'Boy gets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back'. The pacing, plot point timing and reversals are ideally placed.
(hide)This chase script has excellent pacing and demonstrates how a character can 'figure things out' and decide where to go next.
The script utilizes both the death of Jo's father from a tornado, and the estrangement of Jo and Bill as emotional backdrops to their scientific pursuit of tornadoes.
(hide)A remarkably good biography and 'black humor' approach to an addict who manages to come through the experience alive. Excellent example of how to use additional characters to magnify the personality and challenges of the protagonist.
(hide)This is the Sequence-Scene structure of the 1998 restored version derived from Welles's 1958 memo.
An excellent example of pursuit where the protagonist (Bond) and antagonist (Carver) cross paths from Act II onwards. The antagonist also has a surrogate fighter (Stamper) for Bond to continuously battle.
(hide)Thunderball is an ideal screenplay to follow a main character conducting an investigation.
This is an excellent Sequence structure for a pursuit-investigation plot where the protagonist persuades a woman to help him.
An excellent script of escalating tension and emotion during personal deterioration and self-destructive behavior.
Well Sequence-structured mystery and character study set at sea.
This screenplay is a lesson on how to make an entire movie be foreshadowing for the final one minute of the film. One of the best endings ever written.
(hide)Socially ostracized Finbar moves to a rural train station. There he meets insistent friend Joe and saddened Olivia. A perfect model screenplay of beautiful relationships.


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