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Fail Safe Structure

A tense innovative example of how to make a thriller from dialogue.

Fight Club Structure
Rebellion structure.
Flightplan Structure

The action in Flightplan is restricted to a single location, but the plot structure of a kidnap-manipulation-rescue plot is all there.

For Your Eyes Only Structure
A systematic progression through formulaic Sequences that follow clues to the villain, motive and means to execute the plan Bond (read more)
A systematic progression through formulaic Sequences that follow clues to the villain, motive and means to execute the plan Bond will thwart. (hide)
Four Weddings and a Funeral Structure

Fine example of a simple love story placed on a substrate of multiple character comedy vignettes. 

From Russia With Love Structure
Use the Screenplay Summary to follow how to set up a story based on the manipulation of the main character by an enemy. As with most (read more)

Use the Screenplay Summary to follow how to set up a story based on the manipulation of the main character by an enemy. As with most Bond plot lines, the audience knows of dangers before Bond.

Fury Structure
A Quest - Coming of Age screenplay structure.