M - P
On the Waterfront Structure
Screenwriter Schulberg's flawless master piece is a wonderful way to understand screenplay structure. Read and emulate.
Ordinary People Structure
Ordinary People is about healing and hope, so the screenplay begins after the primary trauma - Buck's death and Conrad's (read more)
Ordinary People is about healing and hope, so the screenplay begins after the primary trauma - Buck's death and Conrad's attempted suicide.
Patriot Games Structure
A well constructed plot based on a coincidence of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The Maltese Falcon Structure
Sequence Scene Structure of The Maltese Falcon according to the 19-Sequence Model of screenplay structure.
The Matrix Structure
The Matrix interweaves multiple story lines and themes of rescue, love, faith and loyalty. The script is also one of the best examples (read more)
The Matrix interweaves multiple story lines and themes of rescue, love, faith and loyalty. The script is also one of the best examples of how to present exposition (the rules of the Real World, the Matrix and Agents).



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