A - D
Use the Screenplay Summary to see how Double Indemnity establishes the classic femme fatale-betrayal structure of a film noir. It is a lesson on the use of a voice-over narrative and making the flashback structure fit into the story conclusion.
(hide)The prototype James Bond screenplay and a classic structure for a mystery investigation. The audience knows things before Bond as a way to create a sense of impending danger for him.
(hide)The Bank Job is based on real events and models a complex storyline with multiple characters. Note how each Scene sets-up or foreshadows a specific plot point.
(hide)The Screenplay Summary captures the 'Pursued-Becomes-the-Pursuer' structure - with the added dimensions that the protagonist has amnesia and must solve the mystery of why he is being targeted.
(hide)The chase and pursuit structure begins again after Marie is murdered and Bourne is set-up.
The Act III courtroom confrontation is preceded by two acts that demonstrate why Lieut. Maryk led the mutiny.
A tense superbly constructed screenplay with each Scene targeting a specific plot point.



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