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202 results found. Show results 81 - 100


Sex and the City Structure

A good example of how to integrate independent story-lines of several characters.

Matrix Revolutions Structure

The final installment.

Eraser Structure

A 'pursuer becomes the pursued who must prove his innocence' structure.

The Caine Mutiny Structure

The Act III courtroom confrontation is preceded by two acts that demonstrate why Lieut. Maryk led the mutiny.


The Flight of the Phoenix Structure

With an creative plan and no one ouside to help, the survivors of a plane crash rescue themselves.

Goldfinger Structure

Classic Bond, perfectly structured to emulate pursuit of a mystery where the protagonist and antagonist continually cross paths.

Moby Dick Structure

Moby Dick is the classic structure for an Obsessive Pursuit story.

Martian Child Structure
A 'romantic comedy/drama' Sequence composition tells of a man who helps his adopted child gain a sense of safety - the first (read more)

A 'romantic comedy/drama' Sequence composition tells of a man who helps his adopted child gain a sense of safety - the first step in the boy's recovery from abuse. Excellent foreshadowing and character development.

Goldeneye Structure

A plot rich in characters who help or attack Bond. Note the delay in explaining what Goldeneye will be used for.

To Catch a Thief Structure

A classic pursuit-mystery-thriller structure.

A Simple Plan Structure
The Screenplay Summary shows how the Sequence structure escalates tension throughout this well-constructed screenplay of lies, deception (read more)

The Screenplay Summary shows how the Sequence structure escalates tension throughout this well-constructed screenplay of lies, deception and murder.

Sullivan's Travels Structure

How to use memory loss and mistaken identity to create a hopeless situation.

Fail Safe Structure

A tense innovative example of how to make a thriller from dialogue.

Jaws Structure

Perfect pacing and sequence structure - similar to Alien.

Bambi Structure
A circle-of-life and coming-of-age sequence structure filled with all of life's experiences. Appropriate for audiences at all (read more)

A circle-of-life and coming-of-age sequence structure filled with all of life's experiences. Appropriate for audiences at all stages of life. Plot points are the events associated with life's turning points.

Saw Structure

A prototype for a multiple Flashback format screenplay where all is not what it seems and characters are not who they say they are.

War Games Structure

This chase script has excellent pacing and demonstrates how a character can 'figure things out' and decide where to go next.

Entrapment Structure

Entrapment an excellent example of how to use foreshadowing and plot reversal techniques.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Structure

The Second Harry Potter movie uses excellent foreshadowing and flash-back Sequences.

Chain Reaction Structure

Chain Reaction has the classic Sequence structure of a Chased and Solve a Mystery format.
