1 Heyes - Journal of Screenwriting
Journal of Screenwriting, Volume 3, Issue 2, pages 215-232 (2012): 'Development of a fundamental '19-Sequence Model- of screenplay (read more)
Journal of Screenwriting, Volume 3, Issue 2, pages 215-232 (2012): 'Development of a fundamental '19-Sequence Model- of screenplay and narrative film structure'.
National Treasure Structure
A relentless Quest story that progresses at a breathless pace from clue-to-clue and location-to-location.
Niagara Structure
Niagara set up the 'shock' scene where Rose sees the body perfectly, and reveals the identity in the next Sequence.
North by Northwest Structure
North by Northwest is a classic example of a pursuit-mystery and is based on a mistaken identity.
Notes on a Scandal Structure
A 'Stalking' plot, except the stalker (Barbara Covett) creepily hides in plain sight and only the viewer knows what Barbara's (read more)
A 'Stalking' plot, except the stalker (Barbara Covett) creepily hides in plain sight and only the viewer knows what Barbara's intentions are towards Sheba through her narration.
November Man Structure
November Man has a well-Sequence structured Mystery-Quest-Betrayal design.



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