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Journal of Screenwriting, Volume 3, Issue 2, pages 215-232 (2012): 'Development of a fundamental '19-Sequence Model- of screenplay and narrative film structure'.
(hide)This screenplay is a lesson on how to make an entire movie be foreshadowing for the final one minute of the film. One of the best endings ever written.
(hide)This chase script has excellent pacing and demonstrates how a character can 'figure things out' and decide where to go next.
Built on the question of whether men and women can, 'Just be friends', this script forms a prototype romantic comedy of, 'Boy gets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back'. The pacing, plot point timing and reversals are ideally placed.
(hide)A systematic progression through formulaic Sequences that follow clues to the villain, motive and means to execute the plan Bond will thwart.


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